Uno Dino譯「壹龍」,象徵每個孩子都是獨一無二的珍寶,又音似「奕隆」,是奕隆國際有限公司旗下的品牌,致力於提供高品質、舒適和健康的兒童服飾及寢具用品,服飾系列和嶺東科技大學服飾設計系合作,與新世代設計師共同研發兼併時尚且具有實用性的產品。

Uno Dino, like our logo, meaning "One Dinosaur" and symbolizing that every child is an unique and precious treasure. It also sounds similar to "Elon" in Mandarin, which is a brand under Elon International LTD. Uno Dino is committed to providing high-quality, comfortable, and healthy children's clothing and bedding products. Uno Dino collaborates with the Department of Fashion and Accessories Design at Ling Tung University on the clothing series, target to develop fashionable and practical products with the new generation of designers.


Creating a Comfortable Environment and Stylish Image for Children with Sensitive Skin

Uno Dino創辦人的女兒是嚴重異位性皮膚炎(簡稱異膚)患者,治療異膚除了尋求專業的醫藥外,乾淨的生活環境、良好的日常習慣、舒適的居家用品,更是協助改善症狀不可或缺的重要因素;其中在衣著及寢具的挑選上,相信不少異膚孩童的家長一路走來也是跌跌撞撞,踩過不少地雷品、花了許多冤枉錢。Uno Dino期許為異膚照護者解決選擇不適合服飾及寢具的困擾,提供適合異膚孩童的產品,不僅讓孩子們用得舒適,也為他們打造出時尚的形象

Uno Dino's founder's daughter is a severe atopic dermatitis (commonly known as sensitive skin) patient. In addition to seeking professional medical treatment for this condition, a clean living environment, good daily habits, and comfortable home products are essential factors for improving the symptoms. When it comes to selecting clothing and bedding, many parents of children with sensitive skin have likely experienced trial and error, encountering numerous problematic products and wasting a lot of money. Uno Dino aims to alleviate the difficulties faced by caregivers of children with sensitive skin by offering suitable products, not only providing comfort but also creating a fashionable image for the children.

Uno Dino全系列產品台灣製造(MIT,Made in Taiwan),層層嚴選高品質材料,為兒童們帶來最舒適、最健康的穿著體驗。所有產品都經過嚴格的品質把關,不僅適合敏感肌和異位性皮膚炎的孩子,無肌膚問題困擾的孩子穿起來保證也是加倍舒適。

All Uno Dino products are made in Taiwan (MIT). With meticulous selection of high-quality materials, Uno Dino provides children with the most comfortable and healthy wearing experience. All products undergo strict quality control, making them suitable not only for children with sensitive skin and atopic dermatitis but also guaranteeing exceptional comfort for children without skin problems.

Uno Dino的品牌標語「孩子的生活好朋友」


Uno Dino's brand slogan, "Children's Best Friend in life", reflecting our commitment to care for the quality of children's lives. Children with sensitive skin often experience discomfort when they encounter stress and tension in their daily lives. If the fabric materials are not suitable, even a momentary lack of control from the child can result in skin injuries. It is a common occurrence.

選對Uno Dino讓孩子們舒服自在又安心快樂的長大。

Choosing the right products is crucial for the health and well-being of children.
Choosing Uno Dino, and help children grow up comfortably, freely, and happily with peace of mind.